Join Us for the 2023 School House Shop Hop!

Back to school season is here!Join Quilt Quarters and five other local Indianapolis area quilt shops for this year's School House Shop Hop 2023. Grab your friends and hit the road for 4 days of fun, prizes, and discounts!What can you expect from this year’s School House Shop Hop?For this year’s Shop Hop, we have a beautiful quilt design that has been split up in a way so that each participating sh…

Should I Buy a Sewing Cabinet or a Sewing Table?

So, you've decided to make the jump and clear off that space on your dining table or countertop that's constantly filled up with sewing notions, your machine, and various bits and bobbins. One sewing project turns into another, then another, and soon enough, your machine seems to permanently be out on the surfaces that you need in everyday life. But where do you put it? There never seems…

Fat Quarters and Other Pre-Cut Fabric Sizes

Many of you know that Quilt Quarters has over 7,000 square feet of space where we house tons of fabric and always have new collections coming in from big fabric names like Riley Blake, FreeSpirit, Moda, and Makower UK. But if you're new to sewing, quilting, and all things fabric, it might be daunting looking at all of the different fabrics and wanting a little bit of each, but not knowing how…

Quilt Quarters' Sewing, Embroidery, Quilting, and Combination Machine Repair Services

When it comes to our beloved machines that do so much work for us at such a wonderful quality, it can be scary when you go to finish a project one day and find a broken part or piece, a glitch in the function, or some scary noise. Luckily, you don't need to worry if you find yourself in a situation where online DIY fixers aren't addressing your problem and you need to have this big project done by…

Remember! No Bernina Software Inspirations Class in July

Tie a string around your finger and put a Post-It on your bathroom mirror - Quilt Quarters will NOT be holding a July class for the Bernina Software Inspirations class! The Bernina Software Inspirations classes in 2023 are usually held on the 4th Saturday of every month EXCEPT for July and December, when there will be no monthly class. We can't believe that July is already here, but it is and…

Double Header: Grab Your Tickets for TWO Beautiful Quilt Classes

Quilt Quarter's is hosting a special guest this August! Dr. Susan Kruszynski lives in Muskegon, Michigan, and is an award-winning art quilt designer, teacher, author, and gallery artist - and she's coming to teach two workshops in the QQ classroom! Coming from her opportunity to speak at the Mudsock Guild in August, Dr. Susan Kruszynski has offered to teach one workshop on Thursday, Augu…